Our Privacy Policy
Dear Household of Christ
Household of Christ (HOC) respects your privacy and is committed to keeping your personal information secure and confidential. In compliance with our obligations under POPIA and PAIA, we are currently notifying everyone on our database of the following:
From 1 July 2021, the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA) is coming into full effect.
We want to remind you that if you are no longer interested in receiving information from Household of Christ, please hit the reply button on any email from us with “unsubscribe” in the subject line and we will immediately remove you from our database.
Should you wish to remain on our database, please rest assured that your information will never be shared with a third party and that we are committed to strictly comply with these regulations.
We do hope that you will remain on our database so that we can continue to share the Word and keep you updated on all the great projects and work we do together. We promise to not flood your inbox with irrelevant information.
Thank you for your continued love and support.
Best regards,
Household of Christ
Come and join our family!
We would be honoured to welcome you into our family. Our desire for you is that as Christ is established as the centre of your life, your purpose will unfold and in your journey of righteousness you will discover that God has the best plan in store for your life!