
Children's Ministry

As a family-based church, we have a distinctive vision to pass on our passion for Christ to our vitally important younger generations; equipping them for growth with excellent and exciting Word-based resources and fun-filled interactions.

Our children’s ministry team serves our ‘Overcomers’ children in five classes from the ages of 2 until 12 in a dynamic but safe environment.

Our specially-designed, Word-based curriculum equips the children to live victorious Christian lives and teaches them to cultivate a living relationship with God. Each service is jam-packed with fun, puppet shows, crafts, Bible games, praise and worship, prayer, a light nutritious meal and great fun on our mega, outdoor, wheelchair-friendly playground.

Our 2 to 3-year-old ‘Winners’ are taught the foundational truths of God’s existence and amazing love through interactive storytelling. Our 4-year-old to grade 01 “Conquerors” use the different senses of the body to discover a richer understanding of God’s character and involvement in our lives.

 Our grade 2 to grade 5 ‘Legends’ enjoy a tremendous adventure while learning how to practically live out God’s Word. And, being a grade 6 to grade 7 ‘Giant Slayer’ means being equipped to shape your destiny by making daily God-decisions. We empower our children to lead victorious lives by focusing on the Word of God and cultivating the necessary discipline and habits to enjoy a real relationship with Christ.

We are humbled to be pioneers of the very first Champions Club in South Africa: our ministry for exceptional individuals (those with special needs) and their families. 

The special-needs, Christian curriculum that we use has been specifically researched and written by experts specialising in this field. This curriculum helps the children to grow spiritually, teaches them the necessary social skills to live fulfilled lives and equips them to identify and regulate their emotions. We have a service dedicated to our young Champions ages 4-12 years, as well as a specific program, during
the service, for our teen Champions!

Our purpose-built, special-needs facility accommodates the developmental needs of our Champions in the following four vital ways: Our lesson area allows for spiritual growth through God’s Word, while each child’s intellect is developed through the five senses and various learning tools. Our sensory area soothes and stimulates our Champions, while our motor area develops their physical skills in a fun way.

We take the time to assess each Champion individually to develop a unique learning strategy based on their communication, comprehension and mobility capacity.

Our internationally-trained volunteers are equipped in the field of special needs and can impart God’s love and His Word into our Champions during every service. We are passionate about meeting the needs of our Champions’ families as well as their children. Champions parents can attend the main church service knowing that their children are safe and well taken care of.

We are immeasurably grateful to God for this opportunity to extend His unconditional love and acceptance to all our members. We would love to meet you and walk this life-changing journey together.

Serving God always comes from a pure and humble heart. May our love for God burn brighter and brighter every day as we surrender to His perfect will for our lives here at Household of Christ, a family-based church where everyone is welcome!

We would be honoured to welcome you into our family.

Our desire for you is that as Christ is established at the centre of your life, your purpose will unfold and in your journey of righteousness you will discover that God has the best plan in store for your life!