

Tithes and Offerings

Payment options: EFT, Zapper payments, card machines and a debit order.

Banking Details
Bank: Nedbank
Branch Code: 198765
Account Name: Household of Christ
Account Number:106 382 9151
Account Type: Current

We now offer you a cash-free, card-free method of giving.

  • Download the app called Zapper.
  • Sign in or create an account.
  • Scan the Household of Christ QR Code.
At Household of Christ true worshippers worship in spirit.

There is only one “I Am”, God the Father, Jesus Christ His son and the precious Holy Spirit. Reverent, sincere, devoted worship comes from a pure heart longing to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and lift the beautiful name of Jesus. Come and enjoy our dynamic Praise and Worship team, as with one voice we worship together.
Serving God always come from a pure and humble heart. May our love for God burn brighter and brighter every day as we surrender to His perfect will for our lives here at Household of Christ, a family church where everyone is welcome!